Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Day 1 on Blogger: MY quest to find an OB

Welcome to my Blogspot... Here, I will chronicle--in even more detail--the realities on how it is to be the young Mummy of a lively and energetic 18-month-old boy, and the wife of a livewired 35-year-old husband!!! Of course, I will also keep you up-to-date on the latest and greatest tools for all you Mummies and "To-Bes" out there. From jeans to makeup, and nursery decor to travel... please let me know what you would like to know and hear from me.

There's nothing like gtting right down to the nitty gritty... so let's get to it.

Today, I have continued on my elusive quest for an OB/ GYN. The US-system is soooooo different to that back home--not that I ever had to go through the UK-system--but, by all accounts, it really is. There is no GP and no midwife. You're out on your own. And there are so many choices. It's mind boggling. My requirements, you would think, are simple, that my OB be female and be able to confirm that she is more than 80% likely to be the one who will deliver my future baby(s). It's taken me a while but--at last--I have been referred to two women who are up for the task. Now what's the problem? I like them both!!! Urgh. Now I have to decide which one I will have to break up with. So I am up to my eyeballs researching local hospitals (each woman delivers at a different hospital) and considering the realtive merits of each woman's facility. I have to say that today's candidate, with her plasma-screened waiting room and attractive enticements such as compliemntary 4-D ultrasound, may be slightly ahead of yesterday's with her idyllic office on the ocean.... HOWEVER, Ocean OB delivers at Broward General, which is supposed to have an award-winning NICU and beautiful rooms, whilst 4D OB delivers at Memorial where you are not guarranteed a "hotel-like" room in which to welcome you rprecious bundle of joy, nor is their NICU so top-notch. AND "Ocean" is a professional recommendation from the Elite OBGYN, my friend, Araba Sam (who takes no insurance but offers you man, pedis and massages to follow your exam, not to mention door-to-door limo service to and from her office. "4D" has been suggested to me through friends of friends. You see why this gets complicated?!

I will keep you posted.

In the meantime, Asher T is down for his mdiday snooze which gives me one hour to get on with some organisation around here. A woman's work is never done....

Until next time,
Hannah xo

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