Thursday, September 18, 2008

Banishing the Post-Baby Bulge

I don’t know about you but as soon as I saw that little blue line on the pregnancy test (which I then confirmed with the new, digital kind that spells out—loud and clear—that you’re “PREGNANT”), I began planning for the bun in my oven’s arrival. I registered (at and; I scoured children’s clothing websites ( and are my current faves) for beautiful layette pieces and I began taking an unhealthy obsession with the perfect shade of pink and the ideal fabric print for my baby girl’s nursery (’s nursery rhyme toile).

Once Lola made her debut my cup ranneth over with joy. Sure, I had that mixed-up, crazy-lady post-partum feeling but I only had to take a look at my delicious, newborn daughter or my son “holding” his new sister for that feeling to instantly dissipate. That is, of course, until the adrenaline wore off and I was left looking at a body that, quite frankly, bears very little resemblance to my pre-baby shape. Of course, I understand that mine is an extreme case. Whilst pregnant with my son I gained 70 pounds, which, I might add, I quickly lost (plus some bonus poundage), and I gained 55 pounds with my daughter. But today, four and a half months since Lola’s arrival, I still have 25 pounds to purge and I am adamant that I will achieve this goal pre-February and the big 3-0.

That’s great. But, let’s face it: with two small children who seemingly take it in turns to sleep through the night, I’m exhausted. During the day, I am running my errands and trying to work… when, pray tell, do I have time to get to the gym?

Thankfully, I have a slew of experts at my fingertips. For this challenge, I really need someone dedicated and hardcore. Enter, Kristal Richardson, professional figure competitor and personal trainer. Just looking at Kristal’s abs makes you realize this girl is a pro, means business and knows what she’s talking about. So, I kicked my saggy, shameful bottom into gear and asked Kristal for her insight into how to banish the baby bulge.

Kristal on Nutrition:
The knee-jerk reaction that most people have when they want to lose weight is “Oh, I have to stop eating – I must starve myself!” This couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, it’s the opposite. Each day, you need to eat four to six smaller meals comprised of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, fruits, veggies, and low fat dairy. By eating multiple times a day, you are allowing your metabolism to run efficiently which, in turn, makes your body act like a fat-burning furnace.

On a typical day, I would have a breakfast of three egg whites, and ½ cup of porridge with ¼ cup of blueberries. Mid-morning, I snack on 1 cup of nonfat yogurt with 12 almonds. Another great snack is 2 salt-free rice cakes with 1 tablespoon of an all-natural nut butter. For lunch, I have 4 oz. grilled chicken, tuna, or turkey on a whole-wheat tortilla wrap with lettuce, tomato, and mustard. I also have a small side salad with 1 tbsp olive oil and vinegar, which helps to fill me up. Mid-afternoon, I munch on a medium green apple and a low-fat string cheese. Then, for dinner I suggest 4 oz. salmon (or other fish), or lean beef or pork, 1 cup green veggie, and a small side salad with 1 tbsp olive oil and vinegar. In the evening, if I fancy something sweet, I have a sugar free Jell-O or pudding, and a cup of green tea.

Kristal’s Nutrition Mantra? When getting back to your pre-baby weight, use nutrition as your friend, not your enemy.

Kristal on Exercise:
In addition to proper nutrition, you need a solid exercise plan. Try to find 30-45 minutes a day, 4-5 days a week, that you can dedicate to exercise. Being that you just had a baby, time is limited so here is a sample exercise plan you can perform at home while the baby is napping. All you need is a jump rope, medicine ball, resistance bands, and sneakers!

Kristal’s At-Home Exercise Plan:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
Jump rope for 2 minutes
Pushups 20
Crunches 20
Pop squats 20
Alternating lunges 10 each leg
Bicep Curls with resistance bands 20
Tricep dips (use a coffee table)
Overhead shoulder press with medicine ball
Jump rope 2 mins
Rest and repeat circuit three times.
When doing this circuit, keep moving. The idea is to keep your heart rate up. Also, concentrate on contracting the muscles and holding in your core.

Tues, and Thurs.
30 min brisk walk with baby in the stroller

Kristal’s Top Tips:
Again, eat 4-6 small meals a day
Drink about a gallon of water a day
Take a multi vitamin
Give yourself a good cheat meal once a week

On paper, this all seems perfectly doable but only time will tell if I can maintain the motivation and get back the body I know is lurking around here somewhere.

For more information on Kristal Richardson, head to

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